Mount's Bay Sailing Club's principal activity is dinghy racing. Club sailing takes place in three classes: Laser; Mirror; and monohull handicap class.
We race two or three times per week from the end of March to the end of October: usually Tuesday and Friday evenings at 1900 hours and Sundays at 1030 hours.
The Race Officer usually starts the races from St. Michael's Mount western pier. Sailing can be watched from the Clubhouse balcony.
Club sailing takes place in three classes/fleets:
Handicap - The handicap fleet caters for monohull dinghies other than those for which there is a specific class.
Laser - The International Laser is a 4.23 metre single handed high performance racing dinghy. Club members sail both the Standard and Radial rigs.
Mirror - The International Mirror is a 3.3 metre racing and all purpose dinghy ideal for the younger generation and beginners (but also suited to the older generation).
Each class/fleet has its own captain (see officers for names) who handle all matters relating to their individual fleets. New members are able to contact the appropriate class/fleet captain via this website or via communication with the Membership secretary.
For more information about the individual classes/fleets see the appropriate class/fleet page.
GPS course laying
Club course laying has varied greatly in its accuracy and timeliness over the years; sometimes problems are unavoidable given the position of St. Michael's Mount and the wind direction. However, the demands of our own and visiting sailors for higher and higher standards means that we as a club need to lay accurate courses on a timely basis.
Mount's Bay Sailing Club has had a very good reputation for Championship courses for many years. GPS has been in use by some of the course layers but this year the club plans to train all championship course layers in the use of GPS for course laying.
The Club's XS RIB is equiped with a fixed Garmin 158i and handheld GPS units are available for the other course laying boats.
Championship and club course layers may find the following documents useful in advance of the formal training course later in the year:
Useful Links
The following weather links may be useful to you:
Tall Ships Youth Trust (formerly Sail Training Association)
Sail Training International - organisers of the European Tall Ships races - a public interest website focused on staying safe in and around the water
BoatDistrict - a boat trip directory with over a thousand UK boat trips (including sailing) listed
Other sailing clubs
If you know of a useful sailing site that is not referred to here please contact the webmaster so that it can be added to the list.